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Family-Owned Car Wash in Oak Park Heights

Cleaning All Makes, Models, and Sizes

At St. Croix Car Wash, there’s no vehicle we can’t clean to perfection! We are a family-owned and operated car wash serving Oak Park, MN and Stillwater, MN drivers. Our cutting-edge facility is outfitted with the latest vehicle cleaning tools and technology, with spacious washing bays for any vehicle fit for the road. We are your source for clean cars!

Automatic Wash
Self-Serve Wash
Car Wash Club
car exterior getting washed

High-Tech Washing. Exceptional Customer Service.

We are passionate about making vehicles look and feel their best. We love seeing our customers bring in their vehicles and leave with a shimmering, shiny ride that looks like new.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Car Wash and Clean

St Croix Car Wash

14455 60th Street N
Stillwater, MN 55082

900 Industrial Street
Hudson, WI 54016


Open 24 Hours
Closed when temperatures fall below 5 degrees